upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化,<閱聽大眾--網路世界的強權> 報紙雜誌以後都會用電子板的方式與大家見面. <缺點:1.成本考量2.互動性不足!!> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 03:36 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 29, 2008 upn-taipei news-02 你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站blog website 看見你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站 386 blog website 看見 service tel: 0915008814 0982560076 news or press conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 金融投資-排行榜第14名隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了
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金融投資-排行榜第14名 網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了 please news or conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw service tel: 0915008814 or 0982560076 reporter & president mr.kent- <------------------------------------------------------ 東山財神宮-助你東山再起 東山財神.降6支發財牌. 助你東山再起. 台灣大樂透.台灣 super 樂透.台灣539< 台灣大合彩.香港六合彩. 中國雙色球.美國威利球 . 美國加洲天天.歐洲樂透. ----------中獎後請隨意吃紅樂捐自環球郵報付款方式: 1.劃撥1861-5906 戶名:環球郵報有限公司 2.支票:禮卷請寄至台北郵局10707號信箱< 電話: 0915008814 (繼續閱讀...) (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:51 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 27, 2008 upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news 慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news! (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-11-taipei news- taipei activity-president&premier-總統活動行程&行政院劉院長暨相關首長8月26日(星期二 97年8月26日總統活動行程 09:30 接見參加第29屆北京奧林匹克運動會代表團 11:30 接見台北大學「哈佛台灣英文領導營」學員 14:00 授勳墨西哥「太陽報」系集團董事長瓦斯蓋茲(Mario Vázquez Raña) 副總統活動行程 09:05 出席第37屆台美「當代中國」學術研討會總統府活動 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 行政院劉院長暨相關首長8月26日(星期二)公開行程劉院長 12:00 出席2008年北京奧林匹克運動會中華代表團返國歡迎餐會 喜來登飯店B2福廳 (台北市忠孝東路1段12號) 邱副院長 無公開行程 薛秘書長 12:00 陪同院長出席2008年北京奧林匹克運動會中華代表團返國歡迎餐會 喜來登飯店B2福廳(台北市忠孝東路1段12號) 史局長 12:00 陪同院長出席2008年北京奧林匹克運動會中華代表團返國歡迎餐會 喜來登飯店B2福廳(台北市忠孝東路1段12號) 18:30 出席台灣原創流行音樂大獎頒獎典禮 國軍藝文活動中心(台北市中華路一段69號) --------------------------------------------------------- --8/26 經 濟 部 活 動 預 告 內容 時 間:8月26日(星期二)16時事 由:部屬單位例行記者會-工業局議 題: 1.畢業季再添400名產研碩士 就業九成五 2.推動工業區更新 工業區活力再現 地 點:本部第二會議室主持人:陳局長昭義 (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:25 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-10-taipei news-拼觀光讓國際旅客感受賓至如歸景點設有特殊語文服務 觀光局提供經費補助拼觀光讓國際旅客感受賓至如歸景點設有特殊語文服務 觀光局提供經費補助 國際旅客遊賞台灣景點時,除了中英文之外,也可以聽、看到他們熟悉語文所寫的解說與資訊了!交通部觀光局為了讓來台旅客感受更便利貼心的旅遊環境,特別訂定了補助觀光業設置特殊語文服務的要點,讓觀光業界可以針對所接待主要客源的需求,編寫各種語文版的旅遊資訊,不但使我國旅遊環境更為國際化,對於來台旅客而言更是一大福音。交通部觀光局所訂定的「補助觀光業設置特殊語文服務機制實施要點」已經自97年2月29日開始實施,由於每年來台旅客中,日本及韓國旅客超過三分之一,因此現階段該要點先就日韓語文服務設施辦理補助,未來再依據市場情況調整。觀光局表示,區域性旅遊將成趨勢,鄰近的日韓旅客為不容忽視的主力市場,我國有許多景點時常接待日韓旅客,若能提供日韓文的語音、書面及指示資訊,將可更貼近旅客的需求。觀光局歡迎觀光相關業者以旅遊據點為單位,如需設置日韓語文服務設施之設計、牌示製作、摺頁編撰、廣播帶製作、影片或多媒體製作及翻譯費等,都可以透過該要點申請補助。更特別的是,為了讓觀光相關業者於申請補助前,能先參考實體的語文觀光服務設施,觀光局選擇以日韓旅客眾多的九份商圈為示範景點,辦理「輔導觀光業提升日、韓語服務研究(以九份商圈為例)」委託案,並在8月25日舉辦觀摩會,包括接待日、韓語旅客之旅行社業、旅館業、遊樂業、商圈協會及公民營遊憩據點等相關單位的報名十分踴躍。觀摩會先在台北場地進行簡報,向與會人員說明目前九份商圈完成之日、韓語觀光服務建置,包括有廣播系統、警示標誌、指示牌、解說牌、解說摺頁及導覽影片等,之後再到九份商圈實地參訪設施建置情形,透過解說與觀摩雙向互動,讓業者可以更清楚建置後的成效。「交通部觀光局補助觀光業設置特殊語文服務機制實施要點」詳細內容已經公布在交通部觀光局網站(http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/),有興趣民眾及業者歡迎上網查詢。 (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:22 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-09-taipei news-press conference-第186 期債券研究聯誼會從美國總統大選,看下半年經濟發展趨勢」第186 期債券研究聯誼會】 一、時 間: 8月26日(二)下午15:00~17:00二、地 點:台北金融園區 三、活動內容: 14:30 - 15:00 報到 15:00 - 15:10 主持人致詞及來賓介紹 15:10 - 16:40 座談主題: 「從美國總統大選,看下半年經濟發展趨勢」 1.美國總統大選主要候選人的經濟政策分析 楊家彥 所長 / 台灣經濟研究院 研究六所 2 .美國大選後美國利率可能走勢羅尤美 副總經理 / 富蘭克林投顧 16:40 - 16:50 Q & A 與雙向溝通時間 16:50 - 17:00 茶會與聯誼時間 << 敬邀各大記者媒體蒞臨參與,媒體邀請函請見附件,感謝您 ! >> *************************** 戴紫琳 Jube 台北金融研究發展基金會 專案企劃處 活動組 專員 100 台北市中正區衡陽路51號6樓-6 (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:19 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-08-taipei news-press conference-熱油降溫,股民搶短!最新「台灣投資人情緒指數」調查結果記者會熱油降溫,股民搶短! 最新「台灣投資人情緒指數」調查結果記者會 u 油價回檔,原物料價格下跌,意味全球通膨壓力的解除?還是全球經濟衰退的警訊? u 台灣消費者物價指數年增率再創新高,消費者信心指數與景氣燈號持續下滑,投資人情緒指數卻逆勢止跌回升。誰為台灣股民打了強心針? 一、 時間: 8月27日(三)上午10:00∼11:00 二、 地點: 三、 與會來賓: ◎ 世新大學經濟系教授兼系主任 周 濟 ◎ 世新大學財 金系 教授兼系主任 張叔華 ◎ 世新大學財 金系副 教授兼學務長 郭敏華 ◎ 世新大學財 金系副 教授 郭迺鋒 ◎ CMoney全曜財經資訊專案經理 陳建文 ◎ 今周刊社長 梁永煌 流程表 時間發表議題致詞來賓 10:00~10:05 主持人 開場致詞世新大學財 金系副 教授 郭迺鋒 10:05~10:20 2008年8月『台灣投資人情緒指數』 調查報告世新大學財 金系副 教授兼學務長 郭敏華 10:20~10:30 總體經濟分析世新大學經濟系教授兼系主任 周 濟 10:30~10:45 透視投資人市場情緒 CMoney全曜財經資訊專案經理 陳建文 10:45~11:00 股民情緒分析: 熱油降溫,股民搶短!今周刊社長 梁永煌 11:00~ 記者Q&A�甎蝺� 】 今周刊行銷部 黃怡禎 今周刊行銷部 翁詩媛 世新大學財金所 王暐婷 世新大學財金所 蘇明發 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 今周文化事業股份有限公司行銷企劃 黃怡禎地址:台北市 (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:15 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-07-taipei news-press conference-8/24(四)下午2點<末期乳癌患者化療「心事誰人知」>記者會2008/8/ 記者會通知】8/24(四)下午2點<末期乳癌患者化療「心事誰人知」>記者會2008/8/25(星期一) 下午om>Message contains attachments0828末期乳癌患者化療「心事誰人知」-邀約稿.doc (31KB)親愛的媒體朋友,您好 對女性來說,乳房是重要的象徵,由於乳房對於女性的意義深遠,因此乳癌對女性患者來說,不僅造成罹癌的恐懼跟健康的戕害,更比其他癌症帶來更深的心理傷害!即使以手術切除癌細胞是乳癌治療最好的選項之一,但由於乳房的切除對影響女性心理及美觀甚鉅,所以在重建手術之外,醫界與藥界莫不努力於如何減少切除範圍,提高患者術後療效與生活品質,而化療在乳癌的治療上即佔了相當重要的地位,但化療所帶來的副作用與經濟上的負擔,卻也讓乳癌患者煩惱不已。 乳癌患者擔心副作用掉髮佔第一,治療方式口服藥物是首選 為了更了解國內乳癌患者治療情形,以提供更多的醫療諮詢及服務,財團法人乳癌防治基金會與弘廬基金會進行國內首度網路問卷調查,結果顯示乳癌病友除了治療結果之外,最在意的便是外觀的改變,而對化學治療最難接受的前三項依序為;掉髮、手腳發麻、以及四肢水腫,而高達八成的乳癌患者認為口服化療藥物是最適合的治療方式。 案例分享 因為延誤黃金治療時間四個月,晚期乳癌患者周媽媽因此癌細胞骨轉移,乳癌患者化療的心事誰人知!「乳此人生」她們如何勇敢面對。 初期因為走路傾斜以為神經系統失調,因此六十歲的周媽媽花了四個月時間在中醫、內科、神經外科、骨科甚至復健科中找尋答案,後期連走路都沒有辦法,才在子女的陪同下到台大醫院做檢查,結果居然是晚期乳癌,周媽媽將在記者會中現身說法化療的甘苦談及乳癌患者的心路歷程。 歡迎各位媒體蒞臨採訪 末期乳癌患者化療心事誰人知 ! 國內首度乳癌化療網路調查結果大公開 時間: 2008年8月28日 (星期四) 下午14:00 ~ 15:30 地點: <出席來賓> n 財團法人乳癌防治基金會董事長 張金堅 教授 n 乳癌患者 周媽媽 <新聞 (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:05 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-06-world news-u.s.a. news-Democratic Convention Paints All-American Image for Democratic Convention Paints All-American Image for Obama By Meredith Buel Denver 25 August 2008 Buel report - Download (MP3) Buel report - Listen (MP3) Perhaps the most important goal Democrats have at their presidential nominating convention in the western state of Denver, Colorado is to project an all-American image for their candidate, Barack Obama. The four-night convention will give Democrats an opportunity to introduce Obama to a television audience of at least 20 million people, and they are launching an all-out effort to make Americans comfortable with a candidate who comes from a very unusual background. VOA correspondent Meredith Buel has details in this report from Denver. Sen. Barack Obama (file) Democrats hope Barack Obama, a first-term U.S. Senator, will make history as the first African-American president of the United States. The 47-year-old Obama is the son of a black Kenyan father and a white American mother. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.. His uncommon life story, coupled with his race and foreign-sounding name, add challenges that are unprecedented for a presidential nominee. Obama has said openly that his biography is not typical of a modern American president, and he has acknowledged that his race will be a burden in winning over some voters. An image of presumptive US Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama appears on a screen above the stage at the Democratic National Convention site in Denver, Colorado, 24 Aug 2008 Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, says the candidate's personal story will be a core message at the convention. "The son of a single mother, working his way up, and then going back to work in communities that were felled by steel plant closings, we are going to tell that story," he said. "But we are also going to tell the story about what has happened to the country under the policies we have seen under the broken politics of Washington. We are not going to shy away from making a contrast." So during the Denver convention Obama's wife and numerous speakers will introduce him to the electorate as a family man with American values. The candidate will then try to build on that message and try to define the election as a time for change. "At this defining moment in our history, with our nation at war, our economy in recession, we know that the American people can not afford four more years of the same failed policies and the same old politics in Washington," Obama said. Professor Robert Dudley is the head of the government and politics department at George Mason University. He says the two strategic objectives of the convention are to make the American voters comfortable with Obama and clearly tie Republican candidate John McCain with the policies of the Bush administration at home and overseas. "He needs to demonstrate that he is a person of strength, that the line that he is inexperienced is not applicable to him, and he needs to tie his opponent to the current administration," said Dudley. Hillary Clinton holds shirt supporting Obama (file) Analysts say the other critical task the Democrats face here in Denver is to unite their party after the bruising primary contests between Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton. Clinton is scheduled to address the convention and Professor Dudley of George Mason University says her speech will be critical. "I think Obama will still have a difficult time with some of the Clinton supporters," he said. "I do not think it will be easy even with Hillary supporting Obama. I think it will be a difficult time for some of her supporters. They may never come around and if they do it still may be late in the campaign before they do." The Democratic convention will be the first time many Americans will pay attention to the general election campaign, and surveys show the race is very close. Democrats hope the carefully choreographed nightly programs will polish Senator Obama's image while giving him a measurable surge, or bounce, in opinion polls when he leaves Denver and focuses on the November election. E-mail This Article (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:02 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-05-world news-middle east news-Israel Releases Palestinian Prisoners Israel Releases Palestinian Prisoners By VOA News 25 August 2008 U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Israeli officials say they have begun releasing 199 Palestinian prisoners, just hours before a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Rice is to hold meetings in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Monday on peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Tuesday, she will travel to Ramallah for more talks. The State Department says Rice is committed to finding a two-state settlement to the conflict, but will not try to force a deal. Israel has described the prisoner release as a goodwill gesture to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The list of prisoners freed includes Israel's longest detained Palestinian, Said al-Atba, and Fatah Party lawmaker, Mohammed Abu Ali. Both are serving life sentences for deadly attacks on Israelis. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced plans to release the prisoners after talks with President Abbas early this month. The two leaders re-started peace talks in November 2007 with a goal of reaching a deal by the end of this year. Palestinian officials have welcomed the prisoner release, but some are pessimistic about the chances of a broader peace deal by the end of the year. (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:00 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-040world news-europe news-Russian Lawmakers Want Independence for Georgian Br Russian Lawmakers Want Independence for Georgian Breakaway Regions By VOA News 25 August 2008 Russian lawmakers are calling on Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to recognize two breakaway Georgian regions as independent states - a move that would likely further strain Moscow's relations with the West. All 130 members of Russia's upper house of parliament, or Federation Council, voted Monday to urge recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The lower house, or Duma, is expected to approve the same resolution later Monday. The speaker of the upper house, Sergei Mironov, says South Ossetia and Abkhazia have a right to independence. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Russia has backed separatists in both regions since their break from Tbilisi in the early 1990s, but had stopped short of declaring them independent from Georgia. Georgia and Russia fought a war earlier this month after Georgia sent in troops on August 7 to try to re-take control of South Ossetia. On Sunday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for European Union leaders to talk about the crisis in Georgia and re-examine relations with Russia. The 27 EU leaders will gather in Brussels on September 1. They will also consider an aid package for Georgia. France holds the rotating EU presidency. (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-world news-asia news-Tens of Thousands Protest India's Tata Motors Factor Tens of Thousands Protest India's Tata Motors Factory By VOA News 25 August 2008 Supporters of Trinamul Congress and alliance parties block Calcutta-Delhi national highway during demonstration in front of Tata Motors factory at Singur, about 40 kilometers west of Kolkata, 24 Aug 2008 Tens of thousands of people have protested outside the Indian factory set to produce the world's cheapest car, to demand the auto company return the land to local farmers. Authorities in West Bengal state deployed nearly 3,000 police to protect the Tata Motors factory site Sunday as more than 40,000 protesters lined the highway leading to the factory. Farmers say Tata Motors did not properly compensate them for the land used for the factory site. They have vowed to continue protesting until the 160 hectares of disputed land are returned. Tata Motors said Friday the protests may force it to relocate the factory. The factory is set to roll out the first $2,500 "Nano" cars by October. Tata Motors plans to manufacture a quarter-million of the cars each year. (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:58 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-02-world news-americas news-Argentina Successfully Defends Olympic Football T Argentina Successfully Defends Olympic Football Title By Parke Brewer Beijing 23 August 2008 Brewer report - Download (MP3) Brewer report - Listen (MP3) Argentina has successfully defended its Olympic football (soccer) gold medal with a 1-0 victory over Nigeria. VOA Sports Editor Parke Brewer was at Saturday's match in Beijing's and has a report. Nearly 90,000 fans filled the National Stadium on a day where the heat was almost as big a story as the game. The kickoff was at noon local time, and under bright sunshine, the temperature reached 42 degrees Celsius on the field. That made football's world governing body (FIFA), in consultation with medical officials, decide to have short breaks about midway through each half to allow the players to go to the sidelines to drink liquids to prevent dehydration. Nigerian midfielder Sani Kaita (C) is challenged by Argentinian midfielders Angel Di Maria (L) and Javier Mascherano during the men's Olympic football final, 23 Aug 2008 The lone goal of the match came in the 58th minute. Angel di Maria controlled a well-timed through ball from Lionel Messi and deftly chipped the ball over the head of the Nigerian goalkeeper Ambruse Vanzekin. Argentine coach Sergio Batisa, through an interpreter, said they had a game plan for the conditions. "It was a difficult game," he said. "We knew that up front. Nigeria from midfield up front had very good players. So we tried to make sure that we did not get up tight, and just play our own game. We wanted to play intelligently, move the ball around. We didn't want to run as much. We wanted the ball to do the work." Nigerian coach Samson Siasia said because all of the other Olympic games were played late in the day or under floodlights at night, the final should have been also. "I think it actually affected both countries," said Siasia. "I'm guessing most players did not actually perform to their level because of the heat, and you got tired in a little bit of time. But we didn't' make the rules. They decided to play the game at 12 o'clock, which I don't think was a good idea." Brazil, which has yet to win an Olympic football gold medal, had won the bronze medal by beating Belgium on Friday in Shanghai, 3-0. Attendance at the football matches broke an Olympic record, with 2.14 million - 1.4 million for the men's games and 740,000 for the women's games. (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:57 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 25, 2008 upn-dinner news-01-world news-africa news-Zimbabweans Fear Arrests of Opposition Parliamentar Zimbabweans Fear Arrests of Opposition Parliamentarians at Swearing In By Peter Clottey Washington, D.C. 25 August 2008 Clottey Interview With Glen Mpani - Download (MP3) Clottey Interview With Glen Mpani - Listen (MP3) The Clerk of Zimbabwe's parliament is expected to swear in elected parliamentarians today (Monday) ahead of the election of parliament speaker for the first time since the controversial March 29 presidential elections. Both factions of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) have presented their candidates to vie for the position of speaker of parliament, while the ruling ZANU-PF party is yet to present its candidate. However, some Zimbabweans are reportedly expressing concerns that President Robert Mugabe's government would have the upper hand on who becomes the speaker by preventing opposition parliamentarians who are in hiding for fear of being arrested after various forms of allegations were leveled against them. Glen Mpani is the regional coordinator for the transitional justice program of the Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in Cape Town, South Africa. He tells reporter Peter Clottey that today's swearing in could deepen the political crisis. "The members of parliament are going to be sworn in by the clerk of parliament and Mugabe is going to convene parliament on Tuesday when he is going to open the seventh session of parliament. My take on the opening of parliament is that it just shifts the unresolved conflict of Zimbabwe to parliament where we are going to have the three contending parties using parliament as the way of extending the unresolved issues that SADC (Southern African Development Community) has failed to resolve in the negotiation," Mpani noted. He said the MDC is not significantly opposed to Monday's swearing in of parliament. "I think what the MDC is saying, that is the Morgan Tsvangirai formation, is that one, it is not against the swearing in of parliament, but it is against the reconvening of parliament on the basis that it violates the memorandum of understanding. And the Mutambara formation MDC is saying no it is consistent with what they agreed on and that it was part of the SADC communiqué," he said. Mpani said the opposition sees the need to have its candidate to be new speaker of parliament. "Like any other process where members of parliament are going to be sworn in, it is on that day that they choose the speaker of parliament. And for them not to forward an individual for speaker ship or to be the speaker of parliament I think they basically realize that they would be loosing an opportunity in which they can control the agenda and the events that are going to be taking place in parliament. Hence, they see the issue of forwarding speaker ship as very critical and important," Mpani pointed out. He described as unfortunate the indecision and lack of message coordination by the MDC at the ongoing negotiations. "What is important about all these issues is that the MDC I think the Tsvangirai formation for the past week they have been sending this mixed signal regarding the convening of parliament. Listening to different messages coming from the president and the secretary general and the acting spokesperson of the MDC, they have not been consistent on that. And if you look at the message coming from the Mutambara formation is that they are quite clear that they are going to participate in parliament. Despite all those mixed signals that are coming up, what is important in all these things is that how they are going to be managing the dynamics in terms of ensuring that they have got the speaker of parliament. And also see who is going to come up with their candidate being the speaker of parliament," he said. Mpani said Zimbabweans would have to choose, which party's candidate would best represent their interest. "I think the dynamics for itself are now quite clear, as the Mutambara formation has position itself heavily inclined towards the ZANU-PF. For whatever reason they have, I think whatever is going to happen is going to fortify the public perception that they have been swallowed on they are working with ZANU-PF and unfortunately that is going to erode their political standing. And secondly that is going to dent the image of them (Mutambara faction of MDC) representing a certain section of Zimbabwe that ideally from Matabeleland would not want to be inclined to ZANU-PF," Mpani pointed out. (繼續閱讀...) uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:55 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友 August 24, 2008 upn-lunch news-12-world lottery-世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球& 8 月 2 4 sunday 世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球& : 2008 8 月 2 4 sunday upn-world lottery- china lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球& : 2008 8 月 2 4 sunday h3>upn-world lottery-世界樂透 : 2008 8 月 24 sunday 預測號碼 : 中國雙色
2008 8 月 世界樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣 super樂透&台灣 539 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008 august world lottery-china .hong kong.& taiwan super lottery& taiwan big lottery & taiwan 539 today lucky number ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中國雙色球 預測號碼 8 月 24 sunday 01 14 23 31 28 08 17 29 32 special 05 10 ------------------------------------------------ china two color august 24 sunday 01 14 23 31 28 08 17 29 32 special 05 10 ------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
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