帶動台灣4G產業起飛 邁向無線新時代
(2009年10月5日,台北訊) 全球一動於成立双週年,欣逢四年一度的國際電信聯盟大會 (ITU) 於瑞士日內瓦開幕,特地選擇同步宣布4G首航,並在ITU 本週會期中由參與大會的WiMAX Forum董事長Ron Resnick在展示攤位中透過現場錄影原場重現播放。開幕現場並與Nokia Siemens Networks全球資深副總裁Lauri Kivinen在日內瓦ITU國際電信聯盟大會透過最新WiMAX技術跨越歐亞兩大洲與全球一動連線互動。
此次結合台灣通訊產業上中下游夥伴共同宣布新竹佈建首航,宣布www.G1.com.tw服務上線,搭配4G WiMAX手機、筆電、掌上型裝置以及夠瘋網應用平台所提供的多元全新服務,在與美國行動寬頻營運商Clearwire合作下,將開創未來國內與國際通行無阻的漫遊新體驗。
今日國內外貴賓共同到場歡慶,包括行政院曾志朗政務委員,產學界的台北市電腦公會王振堂理事長,台灣記憶體公司宣明智董事長以及中華電信呂學錦董事長、智冠科技王俊博董事長等,4G WiMAX業者包括大同電信林郭文艷董事長及威邁思劉兆凱董事長皆親臨現場,大眾電信、威達超舜、遠傳電信亦一同與會祝賀,共同歡慶以擊鑼揭示行動寬頻時代的來臨,通訊產業上中下游合作夥伴包括晶片商Apacewave、系統商友訊科技 (D-Link)、合勤科技 (Zyxel)、米迪亞系統科技 (Dmedia)、鈺程科技 (AWB) 、精英電腦 (ECS)、廣達電腦 (Quanta)、系統整合廠研華 (Advantech)…等共同誌慶,象徵台灣4G產業啟航。新竹市林政則市長透過錄影致賀全球一動新竹首航順利成功,桃園縣黃敏恭代理縣長則親臨首航。
全球一動董事長何薇玲表示,「全球一動已於第三季準時在新竹基地台佈建,目前新竹地區已完成超過71.94 %人口佈建範圍,在測試階段行動寬頻的傳輸速率及覆蓋率不但符合且超過預期,將以完成95%覆蓋率的建置目標以備商運。初期將提供Dongle (外接連網裝置) 供民眾進行品質測試;由衷感謝新竹市、縣政府的鼎力協助與支持,以加速完成佈建速度。我們有信心提供新竹地區高品質的行動寬頻服務,為新竹市民建設完善便利的數位行動服務環境,未來將加速完成桃園以及其他地區的開台。」
行政院曾志朗政務委員則表示,「全球一動此次結合國際ITU開幕,由網路連結到世界舞台,進行上中下游產業與4G的整體佈建,帶動國內第四代資訊通訊整合匯流,於國家社會發展貢獻深遠。對於帶動國內資訊通訊產業做出升級的貢獻,相信在台灣所有4G WiMAX相關產業夥伴持續努力之下,將持續加速台灣提升新興行動寬頻應用服務與技術研發。」
新竹市長林政則透過網路致賀,「身為高科技產業重鎮的新竹市,我們的市民平均去年個人網路使用率高達75.9%;個人數位表現連續3年排名第一,兩者排名均為台灣25縣市之冠。對於這次全球一動在此進行4G WiMAX基地台的佈建給予全面的支持與協助,不僅能給與市民最先進、高品質的行動寬頻服務,打造出更完善的數位生活環境,並且將更進一步讓新竹的國際城市競爭力起飛,也期許各縣市盡快同步升級,奠定台灣行動寬頻大國的新實力。」
全球一動的全球技術合作夥伴Clearwire總裁Barry West表示,他樂見台灣積極推動無線寬頻產業的發展,今日全球一動選擇在具指標性意義的新竹地區開台,相信用戶們將能切身體驗高速度、高品質及高覆蓋率的行動寬頻服務後,可預見未來的新4G時代將帶來人們另一波前所未有的創新生活模式。三星集團Hyo Jong LEE (李曉鐘) 副總裁及董事亦祝賀全球一動開戰順利成功,將全力提供全球一動無線寬頻相關技術支援及諮詢顧問服務,期盼4G WiMAX服務將在台灣蓬勃發展。
台北市電腦公會王振堂理事長亦在會中特別指出,目前國內不論軟硬體廠商均持續看好與投入4G WiMAX市場,同時在政府於政策與法令上的制定,更讓台灣為迎接行動寬頻新世代而做好萬全準備。在全球一動雙週年,與大同電信共同開啟南北漫遊的服務,對於其他相關產業與市場將有很大的鼓勵,更能刺激相關產業夥伴推出更多更好的WiMAX相關裝置,提供消費者最佳選擇,以步入全新的行動數位生活。
資策會預測在2012年WiMAX相關相關軟硬體和服務業一年將近新台幣五仟億元商機,而全球一動在双週年之際,展示Gofone應用平台多項測試發展,包括整合手機、隨身投影機與螢幕的隨身娛樂影音應用服務。此外,更針對各種行動寬頻適地性服務 (Location Based Service) 應用,讓數位時代消費者能夠隨時隨地上傳分享並下載當地附近生活圈之相關情報與生活經驗影音分享。全球一動期望將打造台灣成為全球最具智慧便利一路暢通的新4G科技生活島,提供消費者更多元化的先進服務模式,更希望台灣行動寬頻技術引領全球。
WiMAX是Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access的簡稱,一般中文譯為「全球互通微波存取」,簡單來說,就是第四代無線通訊 (4G)。這種新興的通訊技術,為提供即時語音、數據與多媒體整合服務的最佳服務方案,以較低的成本提供高速數據傳輸,數據傳輸容量約比3.5G網路大7.5倍,可提供個人、家庭、社區、企業與政府更舒適便捷的無線寬頻通訊服務與應用。
以「無線寬頻系統服務」與「數位多媒體內容整合」創新定位取得無線寬頻接取業務執照的「全球一動」公司,提供一個全方位的數位匯流整合生活服務寬頻網路,在任何時間與任何地點,使用任何形式的終端設備,都能享受、滿足全方位資訊、娛樂、學習與服務;並在深化產業合作的基礎上,以「先鋒電子鏈、整合內容類、在宅Triple play、4G一指會」四大願景帶動台灣資通產業全球化發展,如「全球一動」之名,在數位內容匯流服務一舉開啟歷史新頁,實踐全球移動生活彈指通的至高境界。有關詳細資訊請參訪全球一動網站
Global Mobile celebrated 2nd anniversary and soft launch of 4G WiMAX services in Hsinchu
providing seamless 4G services in Northern Taiwan
Taipei, October 5, 2009 -- Global Mobile celebrated its 2nd anniversary and announced a soft launch of its 4G WiMAX services along with the ITU Telecom World 2009’s opening in Geneva. At the ITU Telecom World 2009, WiMAX Forum will show the video of Global Mobile’s celebration and soft launch throughout the week in the booth.
The soft launch in Hsinchu was announced together the service entry www.G1.com.tw with Global Mobile’s supply chain partners in the Taiwan ICT industry. 4G WiMAX handsets, NB computers, palmtop devices, and a variety of services on Global Mobile’s www.gofone.com.tw service platform are displayed in cooperation with Clearwire to create a brand-new 4G experience.
Many distinguished guests joined today’s event, including Dr. Ovid J. L. Tzeng, Minister of State Affairs; Dr. Lee Ta-Sung, Director of NCC; Mr. JT Wang, Director General of Taipei Computer Association; Mr. John Hsuan, President of TMC; Mr. Shyue-Ching Lu, President of Chungwa Telecom; Mr. Wang Chin-po, Chairman of Soft-World International Corp; Operators: Chairperson Lin Kuo Wen-yen, Tatung InfoComm, Chairman Liu Chao-kai, Vmax. WiMAX ecosystem: executives from Apacewave, Acer, Asus, D-Link, Dmedia, Quanta, Zyxel, and Advantech also present to celebrate this milestone. Mayor Zheng-Ze Lin of Hsinchu,City and Mr. Huang, Min-Kon Deputy Magistrate of TaoYuan County, also joined the soft launch.
“We completed the deployment of base stations to cover 71.94% of the population in the Hsinchu area in the 3rd quarter as promised. Our transmission speed and coverage are better than our original plan, but we will only turn commercial when we reach the outdoor coverage of 95%,” said Rosemary W. Ho, Chairperson of Global Mobile. “During the soft launch, we will provide Dongles to test the selected testers. We are grateful to the full support from Hsinchu City and County, they are the reason we can speed up our deployment. The next target of our service would be Taoyaun and other areas.”
“Taiwan is proud to have an operator to launch WiMAX service during ITU, the once every four years’ event like Olympics. This ecosystem is a combination of Taiwan’s strength in electronics and communication industry. The pioneering collaboration model has set a good example for the 4G WiMAX in Taiwan. I believe with continuous dedication, Taiwan government is delighted to extend the development of wireless broadband applications, services and technologies,” said Dr. Ovid J. L. Tzeng, Minister of State Affairs.
”Hsinchu is a hi-tech stronghold. Hsinchu citizens' average Internet use rate was as high as 75.9% last year, while their personal digital performance was the highest in Taiwan for the third consecutive year. Our Internet use rate and personal digital performance are both the highest among 25 cities and counties throughout Taiwan,” said Mayor Junq-Tzer Lin of Hsinchu. “We hope other cities and counties to accelerate their migration to WiMAX to strengthen Taiwan’s mobile broadband leadership.”
“I’m happy to see how Taiwan strives to develop wireless broadband. The 4G service launch in Hsinchu will provide a high speed, high quality, and high coverage mobile experience,” said Mr. Barry West, President of Clearwire. ”The 4G era is expected to bring an innovative, unprecedented lifestyle.” Mr. Hyo Jong Lee, Vice President of Samsung, stressed that Samsung stands behind to offer complete consultation and technology to 4G WiMAX services in Taiwan.
Mr. J.T. Wang, Chairman of TCA, indicated that hardware manufacturers and software companies are confident about the 4G WiMAX market in Taiwan. He mentioned that the government policies and economic recovery also benefit from the new-generation broadband development. The roaming collaboration with Tatung can be a great stimulus so that more WiMAX devices and services can give consumers a wide range of choices and a new mobile lifestyle.
According to the Institute for Information Industry, WiMAX industry will create business amount to NT$500 billion in 2012. Global Mobile demonstrated Gofone Platform applications to integrate services for cell phones, portable projectors, and portable entertainment devices. Global Mobile’s location-based service enables downloading and uploading of neighborhood information for audio-video sharing at anytime and anywhere. In the early development, Global Mobile aims on data and multimedia services in order to offer the convenience and friendliness to wireless mobile application service to 20 millions of people in Taiwan.
About WiMAX
WiMAX, the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is a telecommunications technology aimed at providing wireless data over long distances in a variety of ways, from point-to-point links to full mobile cellular type access. It is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, which allows a user to browse the Internet on a laptop computer without physically connecting it to a router, hub or switch via an Ethernet cable. The name WiMAX was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformance and interoperability of the standard.
About Global Mobile Corp
Creating a new edge in mobile life digital convergence with one click
Foreseeing the future of an interregional mobile lifestyle, Global Mobile Corp. cooperates with most of the leading global technology providers and content providers to develop advanced applications and services on the WiMAX platform through our innovative business model. Global Mobile Corp offers 360 degrees digital convergence life services for customers to access all the information and services they need anywhere anytime on any device. Customers will experience a whole new WiMAX mobile lifestyle with breakthrough convenience and ultimate services. Global Mobile Corp will endeavors all the efforts to realize its missions as the pioneer of the WiMAX electronics supply chain, integrator of the state-of-the-art digital content, initiator of triply-play services, and lastly, the big promoter of 4G communications in the world.”. For more information please visit Global Mobile Corp website: http://www.globalmobile.com.tw