upntoday-2010-5-31-05-taipei dinner news-COMPUTEX 2010大會快訊:台北國際電腦展30有成,業界大老齊聲祝賀!
COMPUTEX 2010大會快訊:台北國際電腦展30有成,業界大老齊聲祝賀!
走過30個年頭的COMPUTEX TAIPEI 帶領台灣廠商打開全球市場,奠定台灣在全球ICT產業的重要地位。30年也讓COMPUTEX TAIPEI 茁壯成為亞洲最大全球第二大的電腦展。今年電腦展喜迎30週年,我們很榮幸的邀請到包含電腦展創辦人施振 榮先生在內的十位業界大老們,為電腦展送上祝賀詞。
走過30個年頭的COMPUTEX TAIPEI 帶領台灣廠商打開全球市場,奠定台灣在全球ICT產業的重要地位。30年也讓COMPUTEX TAIPEI 茁壯成為亞洲最大全球第二大的電腦展。今年電腦展喜迎30週年,我們很榮幸的邀請到包含電腦展創辦人施振 榮先生在內的十位業界大老們,為電腦展送上祝賀詞。
品牌形象 三十年開花結果
品牌形象 三十年開花結果
1981年台北電腦展在台北市電腦公會的催生下誕生,早年展場就在松山機場旁,只有200個攤位,1984年我於台北市電腦公會理事長任內,命名為COMPUTEX TAIPEI,隨著台灣IT硬體製造王國地位的確立,COMPUTEX規模愈辦愈大,也成為全球IT產業必看的主秀,而三十年的粹鍊與能量累積,COMPUTEX代表著莫大製造能量的品牌形象終於開花結果、響徹國際。我很期待COMPUTEX品牌形象在下一個三十年產生質變與蛻變,成為孕育台灣創新研發與品牌的第一國際平台。三十年蓽路藍縷,亦是三十年國際化與競爭力的強化,在此時刻,祝福COMPUTEX三十周年生日快樂!
董事長 施振榮
產業界名人同賀三十週年 (以下排序依公司英文名字的字母順)
產業界名人同賀三十週年 (以下排序依公司英文名字的字母順)
繼往開來 再接再勵!
總經理 翁建仁
與AMD共同成長 Computex閃耀30年
全球副總裁暨台灣區總經理 王保礎
華碩一直致力提供精采創新與完美品質的產品, COMPUTEX 對華碩而言是一個非常重要且深具意義的行銷舞台. COMPUTEX今年邁入第30年,它聚集了全球的目光, 將台灣科技的最新技術與創新, 推向世界舞台, 讓全世界一同見證台灣奇蹟, 感受台灣科技之美。祝福COMPUTEX,生日快樂,再創紀錄!
董事長 施崇棠
電腦、手機、電視、雲端運算「三螢一雲」是未來科技的新面貌,雲端運算成為台灣ICT產業轉型的契機,能有效降低企業管理成本、節能減碳,進而打造高效能的產業環境。台灣資訊業以製造見長,雲端運算的出現將能引領台灣ICT產業朝高附加價值資訊服務業邁進。COMPUTEX TAIPEI是能一覽台灣資訊業者最佳研發成果的平台,亦是台灣資訊業者賴以成長茁壯的最佳貿易平台,今年 30週年之際,在此期許COMPUTEX TAIPEI持續陪伴台灣資訊產業穩建成長,持續在國際間發光發熱。
總經理 陳瑞聰
GIGABYTE技嘉科技身為全球主機板的領導品牌,始終堅持「技術創新、品質穩定」的高標準,專注關鍵技術發展,保持產業競爭優勢。每年,藉由全球矚目的台北國際電腦展盛會,不但讓全球的客戶及台灣的消費者接觸到技嘉創新技術的新產品,更讓其感受到技嘉堅持品質高標準的用心。2010年適逢COMPUTEX TAIPEI 30周年,除對主辦單位表達感謝,也祝福未來COMPUTEX TAIPEI更蓬勃發展,與台灣ICT廠商共創佳績。
董事長 葉培城
亞太區技術行銷服務事業群執行總監 黃逸松
COMPUTEX 三十年來記載著台灣資通產業發展的輝煌歷程。一路走來,微軟秉持著一貫的承諾─為使用者帶來絕佳的體驗、為企業帶來更簡化的作業流程、也為產業夥伴帶來無數的商機,進而與台灣科技產業共同成長。我們非常驕傲地能參與這場盛會,透過這個舞台展現我們與合作夥伴們最新的創新科技。再次恭賀COMPUTEX邁入三十周年。
OEM亞洲區總經理 吳勝雄
COMPUTEX TAIPEI,是台灣資訊科技產業最好的伙伴
三十年來台灣資訊產業進步的重要推手--COMPUTEX TAIPEI,已是全球三大資訊展之一、世界級的專業採購平台,根據統計,每年海外買主採購金額超過兩百億美金,相信今年在主辦單位的統籌規劃下,展覽規模定能更勝往年。此外,透過完整的ICT供應鏈展出以及國際媒體的報導,預期今年COMPUTEX將成功推升台灣科技產業的國際地位,讓國際間技術交流與產業合作更加密切。
總裁 徐祥
台灣區總裁/大中華區副總裁 王俊堅
pntoday-2010-5-31-04-taipei dinner news-搶搭宅經濟 中企處串聯國際商務平台
搶搭宅經濟 中企處串聯國際商務平台
經濟部中小企業處今日5/31(一)舉辦【錢網台灣 拼亮全球】國際網路行銷新通路啟動儀式。宣告四大國際電子商務平台:e-bay、阿里巴巴、賀田國際Asian Products以及樂天市場,於6月起正式在台招商,預估將至少創造900萬以上海外網路商機、協助300家以上台灣中小企業拓展海外通路,3,000筆以上海外買家詢/報價,讓台灣具有外銷潛力的中小企業,打開國際市場,拼亮全球!
經濟部中小企業處今日5/31(一)舉辦【錢網台灣 拼亮全球】國際網路行銷新通路啟動儀式。宣告四大國際電子商務平台:e-bay、阿里巴巴、賀田國際Asian Products以及樂天市場,於6月起正式在台招商,預估將至少創造900萬以上海外網路商機、協助300家以上台灣中小企業拓展海外通路,3,000筆以上海外買家詢/報價,讓台灣具有外銷潛力的中小企業,打開國際市場,拼亮全球!
upntoday-2010-5-31-03-taipei dinner news-珍惜生命寬心自在 銀髮人生更樂活!寶貝老人家 長輩身心健康你我關心
珍惜生命寬心自在 銀髮人生更樂活!
寶貝老人家 長輩身心健康你我關心
寶貝老人家 長輩身心健康你我關心
研究發現65歲以上的老年自殺身亡者中,在其自殺身亡前曾有就醫行為,其中有近九成(89.2%)在自殺死亡前一個月內,曾至醫院診所就診,就診科別以內科為主(56.1%%),其次為家醫科(27.3%)及不分科 (19.4%),呼籲醫師面對病人身體不適的問題,也記得關心其情緒困擾的問題,發揮1問2應3轉介的守門人精神,應用心情溫度計,關心病患是否出現自殺警訊,如焦慮不安、無助、絕望等情緒困擾,適度關懷陪伴並用心傾聽,可以協助病患紓解情緒困擾,及早發現自殺的危險,就有機會即時介入,減少遺憾的發生。
關心「老」朋友 相互照顧銀髮樂活
心情溫度勤檢測 若有憂鬱、焦慮、睡眠困擾可尋求專業協助
「一 問」:主動關懷與積極傾聽
「二 應」:適當回應與支持陪伴
「一 問」:主動關懷與積極傾聽
「二 應」:適當回應與支持陪伴
upntoday-2010-5-31-02-taipei dinner news-華邦電子與臺灣銀行等16家銀行完成新臺幣70億元聯貸案簽約
華邦電子近年積極在利基型記憶體領域耕耘,原標準型記憶體產品今年第一季佔公司營收比重已降低至10%,未來將再逐漸降低,因利基型記憶體毛利較高,公司已連二季獲利(98年第四季及99年第一季),可見轉型效益已逐漸浮現;目前華邦電是唯一以12吋廠90奈米製程,生產NOR Flash的廠商,且下半年產能有機會提升至每月1萬片,預計今年出貨量即可達10億顆,市佔率超過三成,營運日趨穩定,在銀行聯貸資金到位後,更強化公司長期競爭優勢。
upntoday-2010-5-31-01-taipei dinner news-Best in Performance Ultimate in multimedia MSI to challenge future Cloud technologies
Best in Performance Ultimate in multimedia
MSI to challenge future Cloud technologies
Creating peaks in Tablet PC & Cloud computing studies
MSI to challenge future Cloud technologies
Creating peaks in Tablet PC & Cloud computing studies
(Taipei – May 31, 2010) MSI, a leading manufacturer in computer hardware and solutions, is once again challenging future technologies with various concept products displayed in the 2010 COMMPUTEX Taipei. With an array of product lines on NB, All-in-One PC, motherboards and graphic cards to include 3D, WiMAX and Car PC with MOD systems, MSI is going to exhibit more this year, encompassing the most popular e-book, cloud computing and tablet PC technologies, in particular, highlights will include MSI various innovative technologies and stylish designs that are recognized and awarded by COMMPUTEX.
“While MSI NB and AIO PC were successfully ranked in the World’s Top 10 Branding List, we mark 2010 as our ‘Brand Implementation Year’. We had launched world’s first 3D AIO, as well as the super slim Wind U160 and X-Slim X620 laptops had both won the German iF design award, and with the conceptual products shown today, our strengths on R&D and aesthetic designs are best proven.” Joseph Hsu, CEO of MSI, said
MSI showcased a series of heavy-weighted conceptual products during the press conference and are expected to stir a new wave in the market; MSI conceptual technologies shown in COMMPUTEX composed of:
MSI Wind Pad tablet PC – a touch of new technology living
MSI Wind Pad adopts Intel® latest power-saving CPU platform, with 8+ hours of battery power, a mere 800 grams in weight , and a built-in 3G and WiFi wireless transfer, plus GPS, USB and HDMI ports as well as Web Cam; all of which made it an ultimate 10” mobile internet device. Apart from comprehensive functional and mobility, the preloaded Windows 7 operating system could be handled within your finger tips by means of the Wind Pad multi-touch control technology that touches also the hearts of wireless urban entertainment users.
All new 3D gaming experiences - the new Wind 3D Armor
2D visuals are no more the only gaming way, MSI offers breakthrough technologies on 3D gaming experience is seen to be mainstream in future. Wind 3D Armor is designated for serious gamers to integrate 3D visuals, communication and sounds, all in one device. Wind 3D Armor featured with shutter glasses, wireless over-the–ear headphones and wireless signal transmission technology offer ultimate 3D audiovisual experience, enabling gamers to immerse themselves in the gaming field to battle baddies with remote teammates seamlessly in real time. The combine of shutter 3D image tech and wireless headphone system together present real 3D experiences and conveniences for gamers.
Dual exclusive for double recognitions – 2 MSI unique products honored with “2010 Best Choice of COMMPUTEX” Awards
Good news came to MSI just before the opening of the show. COMPUTEX conducts the “Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI Award” voting contest in view to encourage new innovations from local ICT industries, and 2 MSI unique winning products are honored, namely the “Big Bang- Fusion” MB, which is first of the kind in the market to adopt Intel® platform and equipped with Fuzion technologies, THX TryStudio Pro audio effects and OC Genie design, all in all made it a distinctive product. And the “Telematics Box” Car PC provides multimedia patented technologies that are exclusively recognized by the judging panel.
World’s first stylish 3D AIO PC with elite military class MB and graphic cards
MSI displays a series of fashionable products in the COMPUTEX which represents the honor of Taiwan. In the notebooks area, highlights include MSI F & G series that featured with most outstanding performance and multimedia functions; for instance, one can find invincible audio effects from the G series that is equipped with Dynaudio, and the F series is
characterized by its sophisticate stylish and innovative design. Whereas in the AIO PCs area, visitors will be happy to find world’s first largest 24”120Hz LED panel touch screen PC - Wind Top AE2420 3D that built-in with MSI 3D StationTM technology and matching with 3D Infinity shutter glasses to provide flawless 3D video experience. In particular, both MSI Big Bang-XPower MB with Fuzion technologies and the latest R5870 Lightning graphic cards are all hot items in the show. This year, MSI takes lead to promote military class MB and graphic cards components that features longer lifespan, reliability and stability when used in the toughest environment.
Apart from contributing in R&D over the years, MSI also works closely with world’s primary brands for breakthroughs technologies in 3D, tablet PC and Cloud computing products. MSI proves itself not only to offer innovative and stylish products, but to take the lead in challenging new technologies, which fits exactly the company’s motto to “Insist on the Best”, and its brand concept to be “Best in performance Ultimate in multimedia” for bringing a better world of better technology living.
About MSI
Established in 1986, MIS is a world-class IT vendor. With its management philosophy of “insist on the best,” MSI has built on its many years of experience in motherboard and graphics card R&D and production to expand into new business areas that include notebook PCs, all-in-one PCs and in-car audiovisual systems. As part of the company’s drive to establish itself as a leading global brand, MSI has introduced a new corporate identification system (CIS), which symbolizes its advance into a new era of branded manufacturing. Leveraging its high production capacity, advanced technology, high quality and strong R&D capabilities, MSI is working to establish itself as one of the world’s top ten notebook PC brands by 2010, and as one of the top ten PC system brands by 2012.While emphasizing market development, MSI is also committed to fulfilling its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen, focusing on environmental protection and making a meaningful contribution to society. In March 2009, MSI was ranked by Common Wealth magazine as one of Taiwan’s Top 50 Corporate Citizens, and was also included in Global Views Monthly’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Top 70. In the future, MSI will be maintaining its commitment to CSR, and will continue to adhere to a management philosophy that emphasizes concern for society as a whole and MSI’s role as a global citizen. MSI will be taking practical steps to make a real contribution towards the well-being of the general public, in line with the company’s vision of “Beautiful Lives and Green Homes.” For more event-related information, please visit: <a href="http://www.msi.com"></a>
Any changes to the information provided in this news release will not be announced; MSI maintains the right to modify content within this publication related to technology, images, and/or text.
MSI Wind Pad
MSI has never been outsider to development of new technologies and products, and has been devoted in research and studies for tablet PC development for quite awhile.
MSI announced at CES in January and CeBIT in March and shocked the industry with its Smart Book, which comes with a touch control panel featuring innovative technology and in its stylish outlook.
MSI Wind Pad
MSI has never been outsider to development of new technologies and products, and has been devoted in research and studies for tablet PC development for quite awhile.
MSI announced at CES in January and CeBIT in March and shocked the industry with its Smart Book, which comes with a touch control panel featuring innovative technology and in its stylish outlook.
MSI takes into considerations in its innovations that could meet with the demands by current consumers. With 23 years of system technology system foundations to take lead in the market, offering consumers affordable pricing, multi-functional and value-added products. MSI Wind Pad comes with MSI exclusive application software such as Wind Touch, EasyUse, Easyface, and more; this also gives reasons to MSI to continue take lead in the world’s top 3 shows in 2010, including CES, CeBIT and COMPUTEX, to showcase various software platform of tablet PCs comprising Intel CPU, nVidia Tegra, Windows operation system and touch screen tablet PC etc.
Features of MSI Wind Pad is introduced as below:
Advantages of the innovative MSI Wind Pad
MSI Wind Pad featured with Intel’s approx. 2.4 watts latest power-saving CPU platform, eight+ hours of battery power, and the most advanced hardware specifications, including a 10” multi-touch control screen for the preloaded Windows 7 operating system, that offer a perfect touch of the latest technology living. In addition, with a mere 800 grams in weight and comes with built-in 3G and WiFi wireless transfer, GPS, G-Sensor, Web Cam, as well as USB, SD card reader and HDMI ports, all made it a best companion for wireless urban entertainment users.
MSI Wind Pad offers humanized operation interface and application software
MSI Wind Pad features with the most advanced Windows 7 operating system, G-Sensor and 10” multi-touch control screen; in addition, it comes with 5 MSI software including the exclusive Wind Touch UI, taskbar magnifier, EasyFace 2.0, E-Reader, and EasyUse etc., all give MSI Wind Pad the most humanized operating interface and application software. Furthermore, its embedded G-Sensor’s responsiveness could make the screen rotate automatically with various body angles to provide users exceptional experiences.
A. Wind Touch UI:MSI Wind Pad changes the regular interface of the traditional operating system, with deep studies on consumers’ experiences with tablet PC touch screens, we innovate an exclusive operating interface – the Wind Touch – for the MSI Wind Pad, that combines work, play, tools and internet four major functions, and to integrate various MSI exclusive software including EasyViewer, MSN, Skype, IE, multimedia player, Windows multimedia center, and online phone etc. Consumers can easily connect to the entire world via Web Browsing , video and image watching, and even Instant Messaging and online phone, all at your finger touches and on MSI Wind Pad touching screen.
The simple interface of MSI Wind Touch UI replaces the original interface operating system to bring a whole new touch control experience for MSI Wind Pad
When MSI Wind Pad rotates into vertical, MSI Wind Touch UI would automatically rotate to same direction
When MSI Wind Pad rotates into vertical, MSI Wind Touch UI would automatically rotate to same direction
B. MSI exclusive EsyFace2.0: MSI Wind Pad features exclusive face identification software, the embedded 1.3 M Pixels Web Cam can provide information security through biometric technology. MSI EasyFace 2.0 exclusively integrates MSN, website login account and pin, and system login password to provide not only a high-level information security protection, but also to integrate all these data with your face characters, that will recognize you and to save your pressure for remembering your account and password details.
MSI logins MSN, website and operating system by exclusive face identification
The identifying accuracy is 100% approach through MSI exclusive and strengthen technologies
C. MSI toolbar magnifier: In view to provide users perfect using experience, MSI specifically studied and developed the exclusive status of the toolbar magnifier, enabling consumers to operate every function of Windows 7 operating system easily by finger tips. By touching the toolbar at the lower right corner of Windows 7 will automatically starts the MSI toolbar magnifier. It could help to enlarge icons such as magnifying clock, internet, power options and volume adjustment to your finger size, you will be able to operate easily all functions and no longer need to operate by your nails or touch pens
When gently touch with your finger, the toolbar will be
magnified automatically
The status bar is also magnified automatically by touch of a finger
D. MSI EasyUse: Apart from the exclusive MSI toolbar magnifier, MSI adds EasyUse page zoom shortcut program to the MSI Wind Pad. When touching and moving the translucent EasyUse icon on the screen, all application window icons that are on can be easily managed for open, close or to select. All these actions that were originally controlled through a mouse and keyboard can now be simply replaced by the EasyUse.
magnified automatically
The status bar is also magnified automatically by touch of a finger
D. MSI EasyUse: Apart from the exclusive MSI toolbar magnifier, MSI adds EasyUse page zoom shortcut program to the MSI Wind Pad. When touching and moving the translucent EasyUse icon on the screen, all application window icons that are on can be easily managed for open, close or to select. All these actions that were originally controlled through a mouse and keyboard can now be simply replaced by the EasyUse.
By touch of the translucent EasyUse icon (red frame in the picture), all opened application windows can be open, close or to select
E. E-Reader application software: MSI Wind Pad features with E-Reader offers not only static images and text, but also with animation and music to ensure readers a vivid dynamic audio and visual experience in reading. E-Reader can hyperlink to the data base inventory provided by a third e-book provider for freely purchase and and download thousands of e-books, newspapers and magazines, MSI Wind Pad can turn to become your personal library!
E-Reader provides not only static text, but also animation music
MSI Wind Pad detailed specifications:
A. CPU/OS:Intel Atom Z530/Win7 Home Premium
Featuring Intel’s latest power-saving CPU platform (2.4W, 1.66GHx) and preloaded Windows 7 operating system to give smoother operating efficiencies.
B. Display:10” wide with Multi Touch
10” Multi Touch screen comes with MSI exclusive Wind Touch UI, EasyUse and toolbar magnifier to provide consumers humanized perfect touch control experiences.
C. Memory:DDRII 2GB , SO DIMM*1
D. Storage:512MB NAND Flash On Board + internal SDHC support to 32GB
Embedded with 32GB SSD with high-speed and stable data storage efficiency to lower power emission.
E. 802.11 b/g/n、3G Module:Embedded
802.11 b/g/n and 3G Module for mobile internet access in anywhere and at anytime
F. Web Cam:1.3 M Pixels
1.3 M Pixels Web Cam comes with MSI exclusive EasyFace 2.0 software to provide excellence and convenience in information security protection
G. GPS:Embedded
Embedded with GPS chips to support various GPS software, matching with a 10” multi-touch screen, MSI Wind Pad could become your elite guide.
H. G Sensor:Embedded
G Sensor embedded with responsiveness enabling the screen to rotate automatically with the body angles to provide users exceptional experiences.
I. Battery Life:8hrs
Super battery power lasts for 8+ hours to provide no disruptions at work!
J. Dimension :274 x 173 x 16.6mm
K. Weight :800g (with battery)
Slim in dimension and weight for mobility to carry everywhere
L. I/O Ports:1xUSB, 1X Mini USB, Mini HDMI, DC in, H/P out, SD Reader, SIM Card Slot
M. Completed input and output ports to include HDMI and SD Reader: to connect with larger size TV screen, super convenient for unlimited expansion!
Featuring Intel’s latest power-saving CPU platform (2.4W, 1.66GHx) and preloaded Windows 7 operating system to give smoother operating efficiencies.
B. Display:10” wide with Multi Touch
10” Multi Touch screen comes with MSI exclusive Wind Touch UI, EasyUse and toolbar magnifier to provide consumers humanized perfect touch control experiences.
C. Memory:DDRII 2GB , SO DIMM*1
D. Storage:512MB NAND Flash On Board + internal SDHC support to 32GB
Embedded with 32GB SSD with high-speed and stable data storage efficiency to lower power emission.
E. 802.11 b/g/n、3G Module:Embedded
802.11 b/g/n and 3G Module for mobile internet access in anywhere and at anytime
F. Web Cam:1.3 M Pixels
1.3 M Pixels Web Cam comes with MSI exclusive EasyFace 2.0 software to provide excellence and convenience in information security protection
G. GPS:Embedded
Embedded with GPS chips to support various GPS software, matching with a 10” multi-touch screen, MSI Wind Pad could become your elite guide.
H. G Sensor:Embedded
G Sensor embedded with responsiveness enabling the screen to rotate automatically with the body angles to provide users exceptional experiences.
I. Battery Life:8hrs
Super battery power lasts for 8+ hours to provide no disruptions at work!
J. Dimension :274 x 173 x 16.6mm
K. Weight :800g (with battery)
Slim in dimension and weight for mobility to carry everywhere
L. I/O Ports:1xUSB, 1X Mini USB, Mini HDMI, DC in, H/P out, SD Reader, SIM Card Slot
M. Completed input and output ports to include HDMI and SD Reader: to connect with larger size TV screen, super convenient for unlimited expansion!