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uptoday at WRETCH at 03:11 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
December 9, 2008

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<h3>upn-11/ 9樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩</h3>

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uptoday at WRETCH at 04:23 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
December 4, 2008

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December 1, 2008

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uptoday at WRETCH at 11:51 AM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 30, 2008

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慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news! 








uptoday at WRETCH at 09:16 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-12-economic news-財經簡訊(2008年11月7日)








收盤時:道瓊斯工業平均指數上漲248點,漲幅為2.9%,以8,943點作收。標準普爾500種股票指數上升了26.11,漲幅接近2.9 %,以930.99點收盤。以高科技公司為主的納斯達克綜合指數漲38.7,上漲2.4%,收在1,647.4點。

















克萊斯勒表示,到今年6月底, 公司擁有117億美元的現金,但是由於汽車銷售的大幅度下滑以及日益增加的現金鼓勵項目,這筆資金正在以很快的速度減少。




















uptoday at WRETCH at 03:36 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-11-economic news-國際市場原油價格下跌












uptoday at WRETCH at 03:34 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-10-economic news-美國經濟出現更多衰退跡象
























uptoday at WRETCH at 03:32 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-09-economic news-亞洲多數股市週五止跌回升










uptoday at WRETCH at 03:31 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/-8-world news-08-wfrica news-非洲領導人吁剛果建援助走廊










uptoday at WRETCH at 03:29 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-07-china news-深圳數千人襲擊警察










uptoday at WRETCH at 03:28 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world Voters Weigh in on Gay Marriage, Abortion

US Voters Weigh in on Gay Marriage, Abortion

08 November 2008
O'Sullivan report - Download (MP3) audio clip
O'Sullivan report - Listen (MP3) audio clip





In addition to choosing a president and selecting members of Congress, voters around the United States made decisions on a wide range of topics this week, including the controversial issue of same-sex marriage. Votes to ban gay marriage were held In California, Arizona and Florida. In Washington State, voters approved a measure on doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. Mike O'Sullivan has more on the ballot proposals that were part of this year's historic election.

Voters signing in at polls, 4 Nov 2008
Voters signing in at polls, 4 Nov 2008
There were 153 measures on the ballot in 36 U.S. states. Business and law professor John Matsusaka says the most high-profile dealt with same-sex marriage. "There were three measures on the ballot in three different states: Arizona, California and Florida. And all three of those states approved bans on gay marriage."

Matsusaka heads the non-partisan Initiative and Referendum Institute at the University of Southern California. He says the California measure, called Proposition 8, will have the most impact. A state court decision in May had opened the door to gay and lesbian weddings, and 18,000 same-sex couples have gotten married in California in the past five months. Following the approval of the California ballot measure, the fate of those marriages in now uncertain. At least three lawsuits have been filed to overturn Proposition 8, with the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco joining Santa Clara County in Northern California in one of the suits.

Just two U.S. states now permit same-sex marriage, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Two other states, New Jersey and New Hampshire, allow civil unions with the same legal rights as marriage.

In other controversial ballot initiatives, efforts to ban abortion failed in South Dakota and Colorado. Voters in California turned down a measure that would have required parents to be notified before a girl under 18 has an abortion.

Despite tough economic times, John Matsusaka says voters in several states approved borrowing to support universities and improve infrastructure. "One of the other interesting things that happened in this election is that voters were very willing to approve borrowing. Fifteen out of sixteen bond measures nationwide passed."

One successful measure will allow California to borrow nearly $10 billion for a high-speed rail line to link Los Angeles and San Francisco. The project, which will cost at least $40 billion, is still in the planning stage.

In many elections, there are efforts by voters to hold down taxes, but Kareem Crayton, who teaches law and politics at the University of Southern California, says such citizen-sponsored measures were not widespread this year. "Financial measures, efforts to either raise or lower taxes, have not been as prominent."

There were 17 measures on statewide ballots dealing with taxes. Minnesotans approved an increase in the sales tax, but voters in Colorado and Nevada turned them down.

Voters in Washington State approved doctor-assisted suicide for the terminally ill, joining the neighboring state of Oregon, which approved a similar measure in 1997.

Massachusetts decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana, while Michigan approved the medical use of marijuana by some seriously ill patients.

Animal rights activists had two important victories, as voters banned commercial dog racing in Massachusetts and required a minimum living space for farm animals in California.

Nearly all U.S. states sometimes place issues on the ballot for voters to decide the matters directly. Twenty-four states also have a process that allows citizen-sponsored measures, called initiatives. They qualify for the ballot if their supporters can get enough voters to sign petitions.

Hazel Johnson
Hazel Johnson
In this election, voter turnout was heavy. The presidential contest drew some voters to the polls. Others came out in support of their candidates for Congress, the state assembly or school board. Los Angeles voter Hazel Johnson says that in every election, she is equally interested in the ballot measures. "There is always something on the ballot that really needs my input," she said.

Matsusaka says there was no clear pattern behind Tuesday's ballot decisions that point in either a liberal or conservative direction.

"Even though the country seemed to be shifting in the progressive or Democratic direction in the federal elections, if you look at actual votes on ballot propositions, there was really no ideological pattern. You saw some wins for progressive groups, some wins for conservative groups."

He says the voters made their decisions on a case-by-case basis.


uptoday at WRETCH at 03:25 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-05-middle east news-US Military: Senior Al-Qaida Leader Killed in Iraq

US Military: Senior Al-Qaida Leader Killed in Iraq

07 November 2008





The U.S. military said a senior al-Qaida in Iraq leader has been killed in a weapons cache-clearing operation north of Baghdad.

A statement Friday said Abu Ghazwan was killed Thursday in the Tarmiyah area.

US soldiers (L) secure area as Iraqi soldiers inspect car damaged by roadside bomb in Sadr City, Baghdad, 06 Nov 2008
US soldiers (L) secure area as Iraqi soldiers inspect car damaged by roadside bomb in Sadr City, Baghdad, 06 Nov 2008
It said the operation was carried out by coalition-supported Iraqi security forces and Sons of Iraq, [also known as Awakening Councils], the Sunni paramilitary groups composed mainly of former insurgents who now work with U.S. forces to fight al-Qaida in Iraq.

The U.S. military said Ghazwan led many terrorist cells in the Tarmiyah and Taji areas, and that he advised and financed other terrorist cells in northern Iraq.

It also said he was responsible for building roadside bombs in the Baghdad area, and for terrorist groups that recruit children and women to conduct suicide attacks against international and coalition forces in Iraq.

Earlier, the U.S. military said coalition forces captured 24 suspected members and associates of al-Qaida in Iraq in operations Friday.

A statement said the operations occurred in and around Baghdad, Tikrit and Mosul. Coalition and Iraqi forces also conducted three synchronized operations in Kirkuk. 

uptoday at WRETCH at 03:23 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/08-world news-04-europe news-Crimea - Potential Russian-Ukrainian Flashpoint

Crimea - Potential Russian-Ukrainian Flashpoint

07 November 2008





During the August conflict in the Caucasus, Ukraine denounced the deployment of ships from Russia's Black Sea Fleet to positions off the Georgian coast as a potential threat to Ukrainian national security.  Those ships sailed out of Sevastopol, which has been the fleet's home port for 225 years. But, it became part of Ukraine in 1954. As VOA correspondent Peter Fedynsky reports, Kyiv's insistence on the fleet's departure from Sevastopol and its support for Georgia are straining relations with Moscow, as well as raising fears that Ukraine could become the Kremlin's next target.  

Russian Navy ships in Sevastopol, a city on the Crimean Peninsula, 07 Nov 2008
Russian Navy ships in Sevastopol, a city on the Crimean Peninsula, 07 Nov 2008
Russia pays Ukraine about $100 million a year to lease these port facilities in Sevastopol, a city on the Crimean Peninsula, that was transferred from Russia to Ukraine in 1954. Moscow has signed an agreement with Kyiv to withdraw the fleet in 2017, but wants an extension -- something Ukrainian leaders have rejected. Yet, Russia is not preparing the expensive infrastructure needed to house the fleet in its own Black Sea ports.  

Sergei Kulyk
Sergei Kulyk
Sergei Kulyk of the independent NOMOS think tank in Sevastopol says it makes little difference militarily where the fleet is located.

Kulyk says the Black Sea Fleet carries with it a political component that is used for pressure and influence, which makes it important for Russia to keep its fleet in Crimea and the territory of Ukraine.

Russians say they built Sevastopol and defended it against invaders. But Sergei Kulyk says many Ukrainian military units, as well as soldiers and sailors of other nationalities, fought for Sevastopol on behalf of the Russian Empire and the USSR.

Gennadi Basov
Gennadi Basov
Russians today form a majority of Crimea's population. Gennadi Basov represents the Russian Bloc in the Sevastopol City Council. He notes the fleet's economic significance.

Basov says there are more than 20,000 family members of Russian navy personnel, citizens of Ukraine, who work in the fleet's infrastructure. The councilman notes that the Black Sea Fleet provides considerable funds for Sevastopol's economic and social development.
Basov condemns the support Ukrainian authorities in Kyiv gave to Georgia, and accuses them of turning Crimea into a potential conflict zone.  

Valeriy Chaly, an analyst with the independent Razumkov Center think tank in Kyiv, Ukraine, 07 Nov 2008
Valeriy Chaly
Valeriy Chaly, an analyst with the independent Razumkov Center think tank in Kyiv says hostilities over Crimea are unlikely, but says Russia has other means to influence Ukraine.

Valeriy Chaly says, there can be conflicts and increased tensions involving information - information attacks. The analyst adds that Russia can also use the capacities of the Black Sea Fleet, which not only has ships, but also intelligence and information capabilities. In addition, he says there is the physical presence of Russian citizens with dual citizenship on the sovereign territory of Ukraine.

During the Georgian conflict, Russia used the issue of dual citizenship as a pretext for entering sovereign Georgian territory. Councilman Basov denies Moscow is issuing Russian passports to Ukrainian citizens, amid widespread reports that it is. Some estimates put the number of such passports issued as high as 2,000 per year.

Viktor Konstantinov, an international relations professor at Kyiv State University, Ukraine, 07 Nov 2008
Viktor Konstantinov
Surveys by the independent Razumkov Center think tank in Kyiv indicate more than 70 percent of Ukrainians do not feel threatened by Russia. But Viktor Konstantinov an international relations professor at Kyiv State University, says it does not take many people to spark unrest.

Konstantinov says not many people are required to take up arms. All that is needed, he notes, is a few dozen extremists on both sides, who can start a conflict over stark differences in society.

Ukraine's differences with Russia include language, as well as Kyiv's approach to the EU and possible NATO membership. Analysts say Moscow could be tempted to exploit these issues, festering most openly in Crimea, as long as Ukrainians themselves remain divided over them.



uptoday at WRETCH at 03:22 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
November 8, 2008

upn-11/07-world news-03-asia news-US Pacific Commander Sees No Major Changes Under Obama

US Pacific Commander Sees No Major Changes Under Obama

07 November 2008
Pessin report - Download (MP3) audio clip
Pessin report - Listen (MP3) audio clip





The commander of U.S. forces in Asia and the Pacific says he does not anticipate any major change in U.S. military policy toward the region when President-elect Barack Obama takes office in January. VOA's Al Pessin reports from the Pentagon.

Admiral Timothy J. Keating, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
Admiral Timothy J. Keating, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
The Pacific Commander, Admiral Timothy Keating, says he has not yet met Mr. Obama, but his staff is preparing material for the president-elect and other senior officials to ensure they know his thoughts on regional strategy.

"We are developing a series of presentations to give the new secretary of defense, the new secretary of state, new president, vice president, national security adviser, that will emphasize the importance of the Asia-Pacific region," he said. "I am confident that President-elect Obama and those of his cabinet are well aware of the importance of our region."

Speaking to reporters in New York this week, Admiral Keating said he does not plan to recommend any sweeping strategy changes, and does not expect the new administration to call for any.

"Our presentation to him will not recommend major change," he said. "It will recommend continued emphasis on partnership and the assurance of military response when necessary. I don't anticipate a major change."

In the U.S. military, there is clearly much focus on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but Admiral Keating says in the long term he believes U.S. strategic interests are shifting to the east.

"If you look at it from an economic perspective, from energy demands, from environmental concerns, from education, medicine, military capabilities, it is, in our opinion, an unmistakable fact that emphasis will continue to shift to the Asia-Pacific region," he said. "We will do our best to apprise the new president and his cabinet of the importance of the Asia-Pacific region, and I'm sure we'll have a receptive audience."

Admiral Keating, who has led the largest U.S. military regional command for nearly two years, notes that President-elect Obama spent parts of his youth in Indonesia and in Hawaii, and he believes the future commander-in-chief is "well versed" on issues related to the Asia-Pacific region.
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