our okinawa only one
作者: kent 日期: 2012.08.12 天氣: 心情:
tour okinawa by orient dragon boat- ,first class one is 33000 l have two total price 66000 l am busy l can not go l want sell very very cheap if you want go you can call to me my mobile 0915-008814 mr.kent-yen
if you can pay the duty l also invite you you must pay 2350 and 3000 guide money
total you must pay 535o but boat price is 33000 first class room call to me 0915-008814-kent-yen
l have two ticket to okinawa by boat cost price 66000 if you want go to okinawa l can cheap sell to you very very cheap price you can call to me 0915-008814 kent-yen
or invite you to okinawa you are free charge cakk to my mobile 0915-008814 kent-yen