2015年1月18日 星期日
upn-taipei news--2015-01-19-07----請記者会後新聞稿及 贈品 及 禮品 請寄送此地 來电告知 地址 0915-0088
upn-taipei news--2015-01-19-07----請記者会後新聞稿及 贈品 及 禮品 請寄送此地 來电告知 地址 0915-0088新聞每天服務如未刊請寄送此地 來电告知 0915-008814 環球郵報報採訪記者兼社長-鄢國荣 ---kent-yen 請記者会後新聞稿及 贈品 及 禮品 請寄送此地 來电告知請 地址 0915-008814 upn-taipei new
upn-taipei news-ad-2015-01-19-06---慶祝環球郵報創刊 9 周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 9 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news! found 2006 january 23 2006 年1 月 23 日------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 慶祝環球郵報創刊 9 周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 9 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news! found 2006 january 23 2006 年1 月 23 日 法鼓山農禪寺念佛跨年
tttt世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 9 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news! found 2006 january 23 2006 年1 月 23 日-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
慶祝環球郵報創刊 9 周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 9 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
found 2006 january 23
2006 年1 月 23 日
found 2006 january 23
2006 年1 月 23 日
upn-taipei news--charity-2015-01-19-05--徵求善心人 捐助醫藥生活費 小額捐款 請郵局劃播 帳号18615906 电 鄢記者 0915-008814 kent-yen thank you upn-charity-
upn-taipei news--charity-2015-01-19-05--徵求善心人 捐助醫藥生活費 小額捐款 請郵局劃播 帳号18615906 电 鄢記者 0915-008814 kent-yen thank you upn-charity-
g2014--徵求善心人 捐助醫藥生活費 小額捐款 請郵局劃播 帳号18615906 电 鄢記者 0915-008814 kent-yen thank you upn-charity-2014-09-08-14徵求善心人 捐助醫藥生活費 小額捐款 請郵局劃播 帳号18615906 电 鄢記者 0915-008814 kent-yen thank you want charity people please support small money for medical and living please send to taipei post office account 18615806 or call to 0915-008814 kent-yen thank you 徵求善心人-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 環球郵報報採訪記者兼社長-鄢國發病,送至台大醫院急診,開刀,救回一名,need charity people help --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我的名字叫鄢國荣 去年 102 年 8 月 23 日,在我住家發病,送至台大醫院急診,開刀,救回一名,經過一年的復健,目前在桃園縣楊梅市脊髓損傷潛能發展中心受訓三個月,到 十月三日 回台北,繼續復健。 後我的工作是環球郵報報採訪記者兼社長,在報社服務約26年.去年8月13日 採訪新北市朱立倫市長社會局騎腳踏車行程記者會跌倒受傷,四肢癱瘓。 以往人生是彩色,生病後变黑白的,曾経也想自殺死了,後來各宗教來醫院關心 協助使我對人生有了新的希望。 一年來,在醫院復健,在此要感謝,醫生,護理師,復健老師 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dear my friend; my name is kent-yen last year 2013 23 august.l am drived new taipei city bicycle.youbike accident 2013 08 13 for interview the news mayer schedule after 10 day l am sick . l am in taiwan university hospitl.emergency. after 5 days doctor say l am spinal cord injury sickmen. l need operation.after operatin l am go to inhablitaion untill now one year. l am work in universal post news. l am a reporter & president. l work reporter total 26 years after one year. l will continue my work.any news please e-mail to me. l also need your help.supports- 1.medical & live money 2.notebook computer-second hand now l am poor men no any money because l am in hospital . no make any the social temple and charity men l will say thank you for your help. so please l need charity ladys and men help me. your my tel;0915-008814-kentyen thank you for your my best regard frrr
upn-taipei news-charity-2015-01-19-04--徵求善心人士捐贈日常用品及生活用品及二手電腦及平板電腦及二手手機,給需要若是機構及個人家庭使用,請來電0915008814環球郵報。鄢國榮社長 徵求善心人士捐贈日常用品及生活用品及二手電腦及平板電腦及二手 t手機,給需要若是機構及個人家庭使用,請來電0915008814環球郵報。鄢國榮社長 looking for charity people. please support consumer secondhand computer. pad compputer notebook cpmputer . please call to 0915008814 or 886-915008814 kent-yen president universal post news _
upn-taipei news-charity-2015-01-19-04--徵求善心人士捐贈日常用品及生活用品及二手電腦及平板電腦及二手手機,給需要若是機構及個人家庭使用,請來電0915008814環球郵報。鄢國榮社長 徵求善心人士捐贈日常用品及生活用品及二手電腦及平板電腦及二手
t手機,給需要若是機構及個人家庭使用,請來電0915008814環球郵報。鄢國榮社長 looking for charity people. please support consumer secondhand computer. pad compputer notebook cpmputer . please call to 0915008814 or 886-915008814 kent-yen president universal post news _
upn-taipei news-01-19-03--徵求善心人捐助二手筆記形电腦 或 平板电腦請电 鄢記者 0915-008814 thank you---- -------------------------------------- want charity people suppot second note book computer or pad computer thank you please call tel;0915008814 oversea 886-915008814 mr.kent-yen please call tel;0915008814 oversea 886-915008814
upn-taipei news-01-19-03--徵求善心人捐助二手筆記形电腦 或 平板电腦請电 鄢記者 0915-008814 thank you---- -------------------------------------- want charity people suppot second note book computer or pad computer thank you please call tel;0915008814 oversea 886-915008814 mr.kent-yen please call tel;0915008814 oversea 886-915008814
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upn-taiwan lottery-台灣 威力彩- 預測號碼2015-01-19-02- 預測號碼 -05 06 18 23 30 36 special 02
upn-taiwan lottery-台灣 539- 預測號碼 -2015-01-19-01--預測號 -05 12 21 26 30 張貼者: Yen Kent 於 下午
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