upn-taipei news-mobile-2012-3-1-07-中興正式加入WiGig聯盟 支持高速短距傳輸技術標準 環球郵報-記者-鄢國榮-台北報導-
中興正式加入WiGig聯盟 支持高速短距傳輸技術標準
全球領先網路通信設備及服務供應商 正式加入WiGig聯盟
美國Santa Clara,2012年[2月29日] 全球領先的的通信設備及服務供應商,中興(ZTE)正式加入WiGig聯盟,以具體行動表示支持WiGig高速短距離無線標準技術 。
中興此次加入的WiGig 聯盟,已經募集了世界頂尖的晶片設計製造、半導體和消費類電子產品生產商,此聯盟最近新增的會員,還包括華為(董事成員)、Allegro,LG電子,矽映電子(Silicon Image)科技等。
中興通訊股份有限公司標準先期研發部總經理孫清波表示:“我們非常高興能夠加入WiGig聯盟,我們相當看好WiGig技術發展前景,必將成為短距離無線通訊技術的主流 。中興的產品,從手機、平版電腦,到會議用終端及機上盒等,將來WiGig技術都能夠應用在這些產品,將是一件美妙的事情。我相信很多公司都期待這一天。”
WiGig聯盟的支持度日漸增溫,去年12月,不僅榮獲國際電信聯盟ITU-R的認可,更完成首次的插拔大會,並宣佈完成全球第一個Multi-Gigabit 無線基座(docking)規格。
「WiGig聯盟持續獲得全球產業界的支持,產品的研發也正如火如荼進行中」,WiGig聯盟主席Ali Sadri表示,「中興的加入,與其他成員的互補性及高,我們相信WiGig發展迅速,很快就會成為全球最重要的短距離無線傳輸技術,不久的將來,這將撼動整個產業界。」
WiGig聯盟仍在持續號召更多的企業來參與標準的制定,此技術將用於各類高速傳輸之應用上,如個人電腦、消費性電子產品,以及手持裝置等,這將徹底顛覆無線傳輸及連接方式 。
關於 WiGig 聯盟:
WiGig Alliance聯盟成立的宗旨,是希望能建立全球Gigabit 級高速無縫傳輸的產業鏈,WiGig採用不需授權且穩定可靠的60GHz頻譜傳輸大量資料,WiGig的技術已應用在各類高速傳輸上,例如消費性電子產品、手持裝置和電腦等,WiGig 聯盟匯集了世界頂尖的晶片設計製造、半導體、消費電子以及手持裝置等國際大廠。更多訊息請參考網站:www.wigig.org。
WiGig Industry Support Grows as ZTE Joins as Contributor
One of the world’s largest networking and telecommunications equipment and services companies commits to WiGig as the multi-gigabit wireless communications solution
Barcelona, Spain. [Feb. 29], 2012. ZTE, one of China’s flagship telecoms equipment and services suppliers to the world market, has joined the Wireless Gigabit (WiGig) Alliance as a contributor in a move that emphasises the significant industry momentum now backing the world’s most important short-range wireless standard.
WiGig technology development is paving the way for throughput up to 7 Gbits/sec, ten times faster than today's 802.11n devices. It will utilize the 60-GHz spectrum, a long way away from the crowded 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz frequencies used by the current generation of 802.11a/b/g/n devices.
ZTE joins an impressive list of members representing the industry’s top chipmakers and consumer electronics manufacturers from around the world. Other recent WiGig Alliance joiners include the latest BOD member Huawei, and Allegro, LGE and Silicon Image as the contributors.
Sun Qingbo, General Manger, Standards Preresearch Department of ZTE Corporationcommented. “We are very pleased to join WiGig Alliance because we believe WiGig technology has a bright future that will provide a very promising short-range communication solution for the industry. ZTE has a very broad product range, from cell-phones and tablets, toconference terminal and set-top boxes. I think it will be fantastic if WiGig technology can be adopted on all these products. I am certain there are many companies that share the same vision as us.”
News of the increasing industry support comes hot on the heels of the WiGig Alliance’s announcement in December that it has completed all necessary components to define the firstever multi-gigabit wireless docking specification. It has also recently hosted the first ever interoperability test event, and received ITU-R recognitions.
“WiGig Alliance continues to gather additional industry momentum with product developments moving forward at great pace,” said WiGig Alliance President and Chairman, Dr. Ali Sadri. “ZTE will complement our existing members list in advancing the WiGig technology to new usages in multi-gigabit communications. I am confident that WiGig will soon become the world’s most important multi-gigabit wireless technology found in many products. We are going to see a real shake up for the industry.”
The WiGig Alliance is calling for even more developer involvement in the creation of the world’s first unified specification for multi-gigabit wireless docking. Creation and publication of the specification is set to revolutionize wireless networking by enabling abroad range of advanced uses, including wireless docking and connection to displays between personal computers, consumer electronics and PC, CE, handheld devices.
More plugfests are scheduled throughout this year with first release of certified WiGig products scheduled for early 2013. For further information follow @WiGigAlliance or visit http://wirelessgigabitalliance.org/
Notes to editors:
About WiGig Alliance:
The WiGig Alliance was formed to establish a global ecosystem of high-speed andeasy-to-use wireless devices that seamlessly work together to connect people in the digital age. WiGig technology enables multi‐gigabit wireless communications among consumer electronics, handhelddevices and PCs, and drives industry convergence to a single radio using the readily available, unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum. The organization brings together the world’s leading manufacturers of semiconductors, personal computers, consumer electronics and handheld devices. For more information, please visit www.wigig.org.
For all media enquiries, please contact press@wigig.org or call +44 1636 812152